The rhabdoid cell, which is typically observed in malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT) and other malignant neoplasms, has an eosinophilic .... NCBI Full Gene Namekeratin 8; NCBI Gene AliasesCARD2, CK-8, CK8, CYK8, K2C8, K8, KO; Concentration~1mg/ml; Molecule NameKRT8, Recombinant, Human, aa1-483, His .... Our results suggest that activation of a H-ras gene can alter the normal differentiation program of epidermal cells and that the ability to synthesize CK8 and ....

The product of this gene typically dimerizes with keratin 18 to form an intermediate filament in simple single-layered epithelial cells.. Also known as: CK8, KO, CK-8, CARD2, K2C8, K8, CYK8.

Ensembl: ENSG00000170421. NCBI Entrez Gene: 3856. Dependent Cell Lines.

CRISPR (DepMap Public 24Q2+Score ....