The W87-1 is slated for deployment in the early 2030s, alongside the W87-0 warhead ... The W87-1 will replace the aging W78 warhead by deploying a .... REPLACEMENT OF W78 warhead.

5. (a) REPORT.—. 6.

(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 210 days. 7 after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Ad .... Each missile carries a single warhead under normal circumstances, but those equipped for the W78/Mk12A can load up to three warheads in a multiple independently ....

intended to replace both the W88 Trident warhead and the W78 Minuteman warhead.79. The IW1 warhead would have consisted of a nuclear explosives package (NEP) .... W78. B61.

B83. W87.

W76. 138. 384.

584. 1,536.

30. 200. 528.

600. Estimated number of ... warhead inventory estimates from Hans M. Kristensen at ....