Engineering for the W78 started in November 1975, followed by the first production warheads becoming available in August 1979. LANL produced this warhead until .... Eliminating the ICBM force should also be an option on the table, especially since it is the best way to reduce incentives for prompt launch.

In .... The Future Strategic Missile Warhead cost estimates (see Table 5–12 and ... W87-1—An intercontinental ballistic missile warhead designed to replace the W78 and .... It also includes additional resources identified in the Weapon Design and Cost Report that was completed in 2018.

... W78 warhead) and SLBMs (in .... 17 Sept 2019 — the W78 replacement warhead (W87-1). j Of the 14 SSBNs, 2 are ...

cost revealed', Arms Control Today, Mar. 2017. Page 6. 332 military ....